How many coins can be stored on Ledger hardware wallets?
Ledger hardware wallets (Ledger Nano S Plus, Ledger Nano X or Ledger STAX) support over 5,500 different cryptocurrencies. Among them are all the well-known coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Ripple. A complete overview can be found here:
Ledger supported cryptocurrencies.
In principle, as many supported coins/cryptocurrencies can be stored on the Ledger Nano S as you like. This is because the hardware wallet only stores the private keys that guarantee access to the coins. To manage the coins, the corresponding app must be installed on the device.
However, you can only install a certain number of apps at a time on the Ledger Nano S or Nano X. This is because the memory of the Ledger Nano S and Nano X is limited. However, it is not a problem to switch apps by un- and install, so the coins are not lost.
It is not yet known how many apps the Ledger STAX can store simultaneously.
Ledger Stax
The most important facts in brief |
- Secure your Cryptos, NFTs, and tokens. Powered by the Secure Element chip and Ledger's proprietary OS, the well-known Ledger security is ensured.
- Read, understand and sign transactions with ease due to the large e-ink display.
- Personalization of the Ledger Stax' with any image or NFT on the lock screen possible.
- Mobile-first due to built-in Bluetooth module.
- More than 5.500+ (to the complete list) different cryptocurrencies are supported
Ledger Nano S Plus
The most important facts in brief |
- The world's most popular hardware wallet is now even better: bigger screen and more memory.
- Management of over 5.500+ (to the complete list) digital assets possible.
- Send and sign NFT transactions with full transparency possible in Ledger Live.
- The large screen makes it easy to navigate and review transactions.
- Up to 100 apps can be installed in parallel.
- ANSSI certified safety of the components
Ledger Nano X
The most important facts in brief |
- Manage your cryptocurrencies and NFTs with this Bluetooth-enabled hardware wallet
- Offers the most modern safety due to the certified safety element
- Supports over 5.500+ (to the complete list) cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP
- with Bluetooth, which enables mobile use via a smartphone in addition to use on a PC
- safe and free shipping directly from the manufacturer for 119,00 € (click here to check the current price)
How many coins can be stored in the e wallet. I understand that it will support 1100 different crypto currencies. However, my question is, is there a limit as to how many coins it will hold? 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 10,000 coins?