Trezor Safe 5 vs Trezor Model T: What’s the difference?
The main difference between the Trezor Safe 5 and the Trezor Model T is actually the ease of use. According to Trezor, the Trezor Safe 5 was developed as the most convenient and user-friendly hardware wallet on the market. Although both have a touchscreen, the Trezor Safe 5 also has haptic feedback.
The Trezor Safe 5 is also equipped with a Secure Element chip, which makes it particularly secure. The additional layer of protection provided by the Secure Element offers additional security against certain physical attack vectors. But the Model T is also still considered particularly secure thanks to its open source architecture.
The Trezor Safe 5 offers the following advantages:
- Color touchscreen with haptic feedback.
- The Secure Element provides an additional layer of security.
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